sábado, 16 de abril de 2011

Getting ready to hit the road...

...one more time.

My three days in NY were far too short to actually breathe in the city. But the six hours I spent walking around, buying food at the Deli, and hanging out in cool places were quite substantial. It was cold the first day, but then spring the next one--a sudden change that is as much part of NY as a good bagel with Lox cream cheese.

I took the red-eye flight out of NY at midnight on thursday, arriving here before the sun went up on friday. While those flights are a killer, this one actually allowed me to crawl into bed with the raccoon, the Chinese Rat and Kanga-roo, and wake up four hours later, as if I spent the whole night there. That restores the balance in my own private universe.

But, I will be off on monday again. Gone for another two weeks to Africa. My spiritual homeland. But, without the creatures that inhabit Happyland.

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