jueves, 2 de junio de 2011


Such a small word. And yet, it means so much, in so many layers of life.

There are people who act and react according to reasons, logical thinking and analytical processes. They have a rational explanation for the choices they make. They probably even have notes that detail the trail of their rational choices. They are the "rat-choicers" (sic) of life.

I know that I can think rationally. I know that I have important analytic capacity. Nevertheless, I also know that all the relevant decisions of my life have been based on intuition. And, even more, that up to 3/4 of my daily decisions stem from intuition.

So, what is intuition? How can we define it? And how can we strengthen it? (Of course, I am biased, and I believe that intuition has to be strengthened, if anything). Where does it come from? Is it our unconscious sending signals and telling us what to do, despite reason and rationality? Is it the result of millenniums of development of the human brain? Or is it the product of many different lives, lived by us across times?

Intuition has determined my life. Has it determined yours?

4 comentarios:

Ravi Duggal dijo...

As I understand this intuition comes from the sub-conscious and the latter is just a practiced reflection of what we do consciously - when conscious becomes a habit it becomes part of the sub-conscious or intuition and is like a short-cut of our thinking process!

EmergentMadonko dijo...

Ahhh thank you cosmic mouse for the question .... I often get incredibly angry when people tell me to use my "gut" in making a decision. Like Ravi I think that intuition is "like a short-cut" of a culmination of what we have been socialized to think and do as well as the "many different lives" we are/have been connected to.

What intrigues me is, how do you make sense of what seems to you as an example of totally irrational and faulty thinking but is considered intuition by another? I suppose I am often weary of how we measure a good decision versus a bad one.

Thank you for sparking the discussion. Ravi ... we will talk more

Unknown dijo...

I don't experience such a sharp distinction between reason and intuition.

I make my best decisions when I get a little heart into the 'rational reasons for doing this'.

Or if my heart is telling me something, the message is often better directed when I take a little time to let my rational mind catch up with my heart.

Eminencia Gris dijo...

This discussion gets as far ago as the greeks(again)and continues to be a fascinating one, but I guess that probably we are in front of a false debate. I don't think the separation between reason and intuition is a valid one. Both are part af an integral system to process what we call reality. Try to do anything, whatever, forcing yourself to "only think" or "only feel": I don't see that feasible. Our minds require such classifications to feel a little more comfortable with a world we are very far to actually understand.