viernes, 27 de mayo de 2011

The heat is on...

..and it is everywhere!!! Oh. My. Dog.

Mexico City is unbearable! It is hot. Hot. Hot. And Happyland, being the last floor of the building, is just crazy!

And then, there are people who say that global warming is a scam. F.... Republicans! They are so stupid! And selfish. And ignorant.

This is nothing but a small rant.... In reality, it is an attempt to get back to the blog, where I have been absent for too long.

2 comentarios:

Eminencia Gris dijo...

Love your rants. Republicans don't have a clue, specially when it gets into subtleties. On the other side, need to say, democrats are normally naive. I'm afraid these very hot days still can be argued as part of the normal fluctuations our ancestors also experienced during a lifetime. The dinosaur reminds us about the hot waves back in the sixties and seventies, which created lots of speculations. History teaches us about these waves happening at least once every generation. Global warming and climate change (linked but not the same)are far much worse than that. The now visible but still subtle changes are chilling, to say the less.
Good to have you back, dear Cosmic Mouse.

Cosmic Mouse dijo...

Well, I always seem to need of your scientific depth, Eminencia Gris, to make anything useful out of my rants!!! Two personalities that are as different as you and me, but still so very much the same! Love, CM