jueves, 18 de noviembre de 2010

There are two things on my mind that I would like to write about... I am not sure I will be able to do it, though.

I know that this blog has served as my diary. For one reason or another, I have chosen this space to open up, and write down very personal thoughts and feelings, mixed up with short snippets from my globe-trotting state of life and occasional entries about my favorite creatures: animals. Sometimes I speak about my professional life. Today, I could do all of the above.

I am in Washington DC. One more time. Another meeting. Loved ones around. Tension--positive and negative. This has been one hell of a roller coaster of a year. So many things have happened. Many of them exciting. Many of them frustrating. This meeting has the potential to be all of that. I am experiencing it as a soothing process. I am actually feeling better as it goes on. I am feeling a bit more connected. Belonging. Part of.

I ask myself what is going wrong with my professional life... Why is working here such an insurmountable challenge? Why do I feel so much conflict? Why do I feel unhappy? Unappreciated? I clearly work too much. I clearly waste time on things that should not consume so many hours. While that is annoying, it is not the answer to the main question.

I am 1000% committed to this work, and love what I do. Why am I unhappy? What is it, that is not going in the right direction? Any suggestions shall be appreciated...

3 comentarios:

Eminencia Gris dijo...

My dear Cosmic Mouse,
This cannot be addressed on this space. What you feel is not exclusive and those of us who share similar feelings and love you shall be ready to talk extensively, face to face, about it. Let's find a time and place soon, because I am sure one of the main reasons not to feel comfortable with an activity that in many senses fulfills your dreams and expectations is exactly not being able to find time for other not less important and vital things. In the meantime be sure of the deep affection this Grey Eminence has for you.

Cosmic Mouse dijo...

So, will we find time before xmas, before you hit the road, to sit and talk loooooooong? I miss you, my dear dear friend. Much love back to you!

Eminencia Gris dijo...

Since time is a purely human invention we won't find, we will build the time for that. Miss you a lot too.