lunes, 25 de octubre de 2010

If animals talked...

...we would probably fall silent.

What has led humankind believe that we are the only ones that think and interpret reality? Is it pure arrogance, or our incapability of learning the language of other beings?

A week ago a dear uncle of mine sent me the following link, which I invite you all to watch:
It is simply I-N-C-R-E-D-I-B-L-E!!!

Seeing how amazing animals can be, makes me think, once again, about how little we are and how little we understand beyond our own concerns. Elephants, these magnificent creatures who have well defined social structures, memory, a language of their own and loyalty towards each other are far more amazing than we want to think. Watch the video, and smile in awe.

3 comentarios:

Eminencia Gris dijo...

My dear Cosmic Mouse,
Although I fully share your opinion on the arrogance of our species not being able to see the obvious, I also think that part of that arrogance is to presume, say, that an elephant would be interested in performing humanlike tasks, like painting "self portraits". I call it the "Teddy Bear Syndrome". Besos.

Cosmic Mouse dijo...

What is the Teddy Bear Syndrome? I don't understand. Please explain...

Eminencia Gris dijo...

The one that makes people think that such a magnificent creature a bear is, can be turned into a smooth, peaceful and loyal friend to any child, contradicting millions of years of evolutive history, which necessarily would lead to the child becoming a chubby appetizer, this questioning our human arrogace in a not very nice manner. An extrapolation of this assumption to any other relations between humans and animals is what I call the "Teddy Bear Syndrome".