miércoles, 13 de octubre de 2010

Full of grace...

That is how I feel tonight, after having one hell of an intense exchange with one of my dearest, dearest friends. Half of the world lies between us, and we were chatting through skype, while he was flying over the continent and I was sitting in my bed, in the Southern Cone. We were not even speaking... Only typing. It felt surreal, something of a mix between a dream, imagination and a mental connection.

I find the intimacy of sheer honesty irresistible. The possibility of stripping down to the soul, stop pretending and being vulnerable in front of someone else, might appear daunting. In reality, it is empowering. Once you stop pretending, and you stop trying to play the game and control everything around you, you can actually focus on feeling and understanding your own fears and, thus, on controlling your own fears.

How many people do we find along our lives that can lead us to such a point? How many times will we be willing to take the leap? How many times will we actually land on our feet, finding ourselves to be stronger, more complete, whole?

Is this the ultimate essence of friendship and love?

Thank you. For opening your heart and jumping with me. For looking into the darkness and not turning away. For being part of me.

2 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...

A test of great writing is when it expresses things that you have felt, but not been able to say yourself. By that measure, this is amazing writing!

Keep it coming, you are the most perceptive mouse I have ever met!


Eminencia Gris dijo...

This needs to be in Spanish. Borges, naturalmente...

"Gracias quiero dar al divino Laberinto de los efectos y de las causas
"Por el amor, que nos deja ver a los otros como los ve la divinidad,
"Por el arte de las amistad,
"Por el lenguaje, que puede simular la sabiduría"