domingo, 19 de septiembre de 2010

The city that never sleeps....

New York is just incredible. The energy of this city, its vibrancy, its beat, is unbelievable. It has a rhythm of its own. And a life of its own.

NY feels like a living creature--breathing, slowly moving or spinning around in frenzy.

There is no place that compares to NY. There are places that are stunning, unforgettable, breath-taking. Places that leave a mark on your skin, within your soul. But the city that never sleeps does more than that. There is just nothing like it.

When I was a teenager, wanting to study hotel management, I wrote in an essay that I would be the manager of the Waldorf Astoria. Today I went to the W.A., to an MDG-related brunch. I took in the surroundings, the luxury, the pedantic bell boys, the golden mirrors... And I felt happy about having kissed good-bye that dream a long, long time ago.

viernes, 17 de septiembre de 2010


I have been home for a week and a half now, but will leave tomorrow again, towards NY. I thought that by this moment, I would feel in a not so dark place. But it is not really getting any better. The slope is still downwards.

As a result, the question keeps coming back, taking my sleep, filling the corners of my mind with anxiety: What is the purpose of all this? Is it worth it? Am I on the right path?

Or am I just the shadow of what I could be... That is the most persistent doubt. I want to expand, explode. Go farther, go to extremes... I feel like a fading flower.

jueves, 2 de septiembre de 2010

Geneva it is...

I can't believe it, but this is the final stop before going home.

Delhi was a big success!!! And for a change, I actually liked India!!! A dear friend told me: you have to ignore your first ten impressions of India, just stick to the eleventh one. You will see the beauty. It worked. Thank you.

Now, after more travel, more planes, and more insomnia, I am back in the old continent. And I have only one day and two nights left!!!