miércoles, 24 de marzo de 2010

"We did not fear the future...

...we shaped it". That is what President Obama said when the Health Care Reform was approved last sunday night, in Washington DC. It is estimated that 32 million more people will be able to access health services in the US as a result of this reform, once it gets fully implemented. A hundred years were needed to actually achieve this. And against all odds, Obama did get it done. Not bad. At all. Ted Kennedy must be smiling.

4 comentarios:

Eminencia Gris dijo...

President Obama, a true leader and estadist, in all the extension of the word. Interesting, however, is to listen to the declaration of one friend of mine, who happens to be American citizen : "If this guy gets reelected I will move down to Mexico". Many people in the US would agree with that. This adds to a reality, not exclusive to the US, of division and exclusion, where complete opposite positions need to live together and tolerate, if not understand, each other. For liberals (and I trend to feel closer to them) this is a triumph we are obliged to celebrate, but the danger to ignore the other side and forget to keep on negotiating is enormous and needs to be addressed.

HH dijo...

The eternal challenge of balance... Yes, I thought of that as well, watching "The Blind Side", a story of a one of a class family, which is republican. If there has been a US president willing to negotiate and pull different sides together, it is Obama. He will continue to do it.

Betsy dijo...

I'm just so surprised and excited that it passed. I hope/suspect that the conservative backlash will run its course and subside and this whole health care thing will fade into the background soon enough, esp. with the needs to deal w/ the economy/jobs and the various wars, which have been awaiting Obama's attention. Oscar recognizes his voice on the radio now. Amazing that this is the presidency he was born into.

HH dijo...

Wow! Oscar recognizes President Obama's voice? What does he say when he hears him? Is there some picture story we can put together for him, so that when he is bigger he can see that he was a toddler in the Obama era? By the way, I have my Florida ticket!